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As a veteran, farmer, entrepreneur, and Kansan by choice - I have come face-to-face with many of the same issues fellow Kansans see every day. My mission is to stand up for those who want to be heard and support those who want things to change for the better. 

While I am entering the election with a Republican party affiliation, I want you to know that I support everyone. When I was in the military, I supported and represented everyone regardless of what political party they affiliated with and I will be keeping the same mindset when it comes to running my campaign and when I am Kansas Senator for District 9. I will continue to work hard in gaining the support of voters from Baldwin, DeSoto, Eudora, Lawrence, Olathe, Tonganoxie, and surrounding areas.

My Mission is to...


Uphold Traditional Values
With Modern Solutions

Sometimes we need to think outside the box.

Keeping Kansas tradition is at the top of every political candidate's list, which is a core value to have. However, this often means many of these politicians seek solutions for Kansas issues from the same pool as the last politician, and get underwhelming results. With my experience of being in the military, farming, and owning a business, I am known to be able to think quickly, clearly, and rationally, to come up with modern solutions to problems that arise. I believe that Kansas can remain the traditional "heartland" state while also keeping up with the times that we are currently in and will be in.


Promote & Support
Kansas Agriculture

We have to defend our largest industry in our state.

We must acknowledge that 51% of Kansas GDP comes from agriculture. I believe we must fairly promote agriculture as equally as we do industry. The inconsistency in agriculture taxation is doubtlessly unconstitutional and threatens agritourism designed to promote rural monetary enhancement. I fight against unjust agricultural-to-commercial property tax choices. We cannot “tax agricultural households out of existence.”

ks ag

Keep Kansas Family Strong
& Military Strong

We need families, we need military, we need you.

In order to retain strong communities we have to keep families, military members, veterans, and service workers in Kansas. To do that, we must find out their needs, and meet those needs. With Kansans who feel confident in their economic future and who feel safe, taken care of, and heard - we can become an imperishable state.


End Taxation
Without Justification

Taxes are skyrocketing. And nothing has been done.

For too long politicians have “talked” about the increasing property taxes. As a small business owner and Kansas farmer, I have fought against egregious and unfairly applied taxes. It takes more than talk. We need to do the real work, setting top priorities and keeping taxes aligned.

tax nojus

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